But starting Monday, I'm doing something I'm quite certain I've said I'd never do: becoming a vegetarian. But I'm not doing it for me. It's for my daughter.
Let me be up front about a few things. I love meat in all forms, and I have no plans on making a permanent switch to vegetarianism. And I'm sure as heck not doing the vegan thing. (I also loves me some eggs!)
No, I'm taking this brief dietary detour for one reason: I want to understand my daughter's decision, and show her that I support her even if my palate doesn't. So, for the next week, I'm goin' meatless. I'll let you know how it goes.
I wasn't surprised when Emma told us she was becoming a vegetarian. I think it was the chicken video she saw that put her over the edge -- the one where the dark side of the chicken processing industry is laid bare -- but we could sort of see this coming. She's kind of our little hippie.
Vegetarianism is at once very easy and very hard for me to understand.
But I also happen to believe that humans are meat eaters. I know, I know -- there are plenty of people out there who would beg to differ. People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals says there are biologists who swear humans were engineered to be herbivores. But plenty of other scientists say our bodies are, at best, designed to be omnivores.
I'm squarely in the omnivore camp.
However, I'm also in the camp of being open to new ideas. And in this case, I've got a pretty good (and cute) reason to venture outside my comfort zone, if only for a week.
So, like I said, I'll keep you posted.
Wish me luck!
Congratulations Emma on your new vegetarian journey! I recently did a challenge where I went vegan (no meat, eggs and dairy) for almost 30 days. Now I eat mostly 75% vegan and 25% I eat vegetarian. I allow myself to have eggs and dairy once in a while. I mainly eat a vegan diet. Vegan food is just as delicious. Vegan cookies are so great that you wouldn't even realize there is no dairy or eggs in them. I am happy I went vegetarian. I feel amazing since making the switch. I feel happier. I have lost weight. I sleep better. I have more energy. My skin has cleared up. It is the best decision I made for myself in the last month! I feel amazing.
ReplyDeleteI am proud of you! I am happy that you made the decision to go vegetarian! Congrats and good luck! :)
Good luck Robb on your vegetarian adventure! Have fun! Experiment in the kitchen and make delicious vegetarian meals! I know you will learn a lot from this and I am glad you are open-minded. You will take a lot from this vegetarian experience and you may enjoy cooking vegetarian meals with your daughter! :D
Thanks, Jenna!
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