Monday, April 16, 2012

OK ... this is gonna suck

I knew this was going to be hard, but man-oh-man ... The first meal? Right out of the gate?


Woke up this morning, the first of my week of vegetarianism, moved like a zombie out to the kitchen for coffee and breakfast and opened the fridge to grab a bite.

Mmmmm ... what looks good? Leftover stuffed French toast? Yum. Couple of sausage links on the side? Not too shabby!

Then it hits me.

"Blast!" I exclaim. "I'm supposed to be a vegetarian this week!"

My trusty beagle, Henry, sensed an opportunity coming. He padded over to me and peered up at his sad master holding a baggie with two sad sausage links. He perked his ears up, made his best "I'm hungry!" face and started to lick his chops.

What could I do? Did I really want to fail on the very first meal of my now-public foray into veggie world?

No. Of course not.

The first link I tore into two pieces. As I did, the grease from the fat inside felt slippery and delicious on my fingers. The smell of pork and maple syrup (these were Johnsonville maple syrup-flavored sausage links, folks) mixed in the air, a fragrant reminder of what I wouldn't be eating on this day, or any other day this week. Each half I gave to the beagle, who neither chewed nor tasted the savoriness; he just swallowed.

For the second link, I didn't want to torture myself any more than I had to. I let it simply fall from my hand into the waiting maw of Henry, the beagle who is suddenly very, very happy that I've chosen to forego meat for a while.

I got by with just the French toast. I wasn't happy about it. In the end I was oddly satisfied that I'd had plenty to eat without the extra 30 grams of fat.

But man-oh-man ... This is gonna be a long week.


  1. It will be OK. It gets better and easier as you go! Get creative in the kitchen. :) Since you love meat so much, maybe start out by trying veggie substitutes such as veggie burgers or make homemade sloppy joes with soy crumbles or you can eat veggie sausages in the morning. You will find all of these in the freezer section at Cub Foods, Hyvee and St. Peter Co-op. Please don't give up! It gets easier as you go! :)

  2. We're gonna get creative in the kitchen tonight! Chipotle macaroni and cheese!
